Christmas Decorations Workshop

Margaret Mourdant is leading the Guest Workshop at the

Christmas Decoration Workshop

Christmas Decoration Workshop by Margaret Mourdant

  • November ‘Christmas’ Night Meeting, and the
  • December ‘Christmas’ Day Meeting

Christmas Decorations Requirements List

  1. 20+ or more 2 litre milk bottle tops, or tops of that same size
  2. Christmas fabrics, some small pieces are O.K.- lots of red and green
  3. Wadding and/or stuffing, small pieces
  4. Fabric glue
  5. Cardboard such as large cereal boxes, but not lighter than that
  6. Ribbon to hang the decoration
  7. Green and /or red felt - this will be supplied by EQI for the Workshop


Small bells, glitter, buttons, embroidery threads, beads etc. and the like to further embellish your decoration.