Funds for QFO …

Lorraine C

I would like to thank members for helping to distribute Joanne’s stash amongst you. We raised $84.50 for QFOs and lots of knitters knitting things to go to good places.  If you have one of Joanne’s unfinished projects, think of Joanne when you work on it and when you use it. She has, over the years, produced lots of wonderful quilts for her family and lots of knitted dolls as well. She was always there on QFO days doing what she could.
One of her projects, with lots of cut pieces, was “peacock at the gate”. Bev has taken on this challenge of finishing it. Unfortunately, there was no pattern or picture. If anyone remembers this or where we can get a pattern or picture please let us know at the next meeting or through this website. It would be nice to see it finished. Thank you all for your contribution and kindness.
A bonus, I did not have to take anything to the op shop!

Lorraine C.

Check out these peacock quilts on Pinterest - amazing talent! Peacock Quilts