Overdue Membership - We Miss You!

If you have not renewed your membership of Essendon Quilters, this is for you.

Membership Fees are due on October 1st.

As we have not received renewal of your Membership, here are two ways you can renew from the comfort of your own home.renew-membershipz

Until the end of November, you will still be able to access the Members Only area of the website. In the Members Menu, click on ‘Renew Membership’. After doing an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), follow the directions to complete the form and submit.

Or –

Click and open a copy of the Membership Form, print it off at home, post it along with a cheque to Essendon Quilters Inc.

At the end of November, any unpaid Membership will

  1. cease to have access to Members Only website
  2. cease to receive the ‘Connecting Update’

Once our paperwork is updated, your above entitlements will be restored. Please be patient as this may take time, especially as this time of the year is busy for all of us.

We look forward to your continued membership of Essendon Quilters.

Not Renewing?

It would be great if you could send us a quick email info@essendonquilters.org.au (or use the Contact) to let us know you are leaving us.

We can update our paperwork accordingly.

Thank you for being a member with us, we wish you all the best with your future patchwork explorations, wherever they may take you. You are welcome to rejoin at any time.