Hello everyone.
It is definitely autumn now if you look at the forecast for the coming week and remember to change away from daylight saving.
Last Saturday we had a great day with Santina in her workshop to learn more about quilting our quilts. Congratulations are due to Santina for preparing so thoroughly with many examples of what to do and what not to do, not forgetting Pat’s thorough demonstration of how to take the first step - pinning the three layers together. Probably few of us realised that marking our quilting designs could be done is so many different ways with different effects on the finished quilts. Thanks Santina for a job really well done.
Our next meeting is the Annual General Meeting to be held on April 20 th. Reports at this meeting will cover the period from July 1st 2020 to June 30 th 2021. As per the Model Rules for organisations such as ours all committee positions are declared vacant. Now is the time for some different members to put up their hands to take on a role. We also need valued volunteers to assist with QFO coordination, ensuring we have tea and coffee available and to assist at the front desk on occasions. Perhaps you and a friend could share a task.
This is my last piece for the newsletter as I am not standing for President again. I have really enjoyed working with the Steering Committee over the past three years. It has for all the country been a most disruptive time. The uncertainty with any planning has been difficult. No none knew if their planned BBQ, birthday party, wedding or meeting etc could actually happen. One constant feature for EQI has been the enews for which we owe Robyn a huge thank you. The Connecting Thread has done just that - it has kept us in touch.
Another thank you goes to the many members who kept stitching during this time, enabling us to donate quilts to many different causes. 47 little quilts went to Sunshine Hospital last week, delivered by Lorraine.
With so many Covid-19 cases in the community it is not over yet so-
Stay safe, stay well, stay stitching.