Another month has passed and it’s April, a quarter of the year has gone, time really seems to fly by and now Easter is here.
I just got back from a holiday in Singapore and Sri Lanka and found people to be very friendly. I purchased some beautiful batik fabrics to be included in a quilt for my granddaughter, which I intend to start sewing soon. Hopefully I’ll have it completed for her 2nd birthday in December. My list of quilts to make is always growing, but to find enough hours in the day to sew is a challenge.
At our last day meeting, it was great to see members interested in participating in the paint chip challenge. Forms and coloured paint chips will again be available at the next meeting.
I would like to thank our member, Irene Blanck who gave an informative talk on the differences of Kantha and Kawandi quilting. Both involve hand-stitching running stitches across layers of fabric and the techniques originate from India.
Congratulations to Pat Stevenson for being awarded a Commemorative Badge in recognition of 30 years as a member of Essendon Quilters.
Preparations are underway for the biggest morning tea at all May meetings. Bring a plate to share and make an 8.5 inch unfinished pieced block in dark blue and white fabrics. Winner of the challenge will receive one year’s free EQI membership. There will be one winner and will be drawn at the Evening Sit and Sew.
Unfortunately, this year’s quilt exhibition in August has been postponed due to our inability to form a subcommittee. We will endeavour to form a committee again next year and see how it goes.

Members Showcase

The committee is excited to announce a new activity. At selected meetings, we’ll feature a member’s work. A great way to encourage members to showcase their talents and gain confidence.

To participate write your name and phone number on the list provided at the front desk and a committee member will contact you with a date. On the day you have been allocated, please bring approximately 8 of your favourite quilts and we will assist you in hanging them around the room, for everyone to admire. Feel free to attach a note to each quilt or you may wish to give a talk. I hope every member will have a chance to participate in this event.
Irene Blanck has volunteered to be our first member to showcase her Quilts at the April Day meeting

Next Day Meeting: Wednesday April 17

At our next meeting we will be demonstrating how to use the 6.5 inch Bloc Loc ruler, to achieve the perfect half square triangle block. After you piece your block together, use your rotary cutter and the Bloc Loc ruler to trim to the correct size. You can use this ruler a lot because half square triangle blocks are in so many quilt pattern designs.

Annual Membership

$50 Membership subscriptions are due by 30th June. Paying by the deadline grants a 10% discount, reducing the amount to $45.

Suggestions, suggestions, suggestions….

A reminder to please place your suggestions for workshops, speakers etc. in the suggestion box or approach one of our committee members, and we will try our best to act on your request.
