Around the Room at EQI

Photo Galleries from around the room


Essendon Quilters have diverse patchwork quilting interests. These are snapshots of the handwork Members bring to work on at our meetings.

Where are these projects now,  are they finished, have they been abandoned, or are they in a UFO pile?

Some we have watched grow, change, and then appear in our Show and Tell. Well done, EQI Members!

Please enjoy these photo galleries (which we also share on our Instagram - @essendonquilters #essendonquilters).

Click the *Gallery link to open and view.

(*Uploading Galleries are a work in progress - being added regularly, so come back again!)



There are gaps as meetings were not able to be held due to COVID restrictions.


There are gaps as meetings were not able to be held due to COVID restrictions.


There are no photo galleries of ‘Around the Room at EQI’ as meetings were not able to be held due to the global COVID pandemic restrictions.