Greetings to all members of EQI! …

by EQI President: Kerry R.

Welcome to the March 2023 edition of President’s Chatter.


WOW!… are we really into March 2023, already? I attended the Sydney Rd. Street Festival today and it was really great to see so many people out, enjoying life.

Something I really think we are doing at Essendon Quilters and let’s continue…with gusto!

Our two Friendship Activities “Magical Mystery Tour” and “Take A Chance” are off and running. Please support these activities that are a bit of fun and will help raise some funds to put a few new books and a bit of new equipment into the library.

We will have the community eftpos machine at the March gathering and now I know how to place a new role of paper in it, the correct way around, I have expert status. (I think the lady at the bank has the wrong person!)

“The Biggest Morning Tea” is once again, being held in May 2023 and we will be raffling the quilt ‘Lavender for All’ made pre-COVID to raise funds. Until Robyn let me know I was unaware, that every cancer has a colour. This year, the challenge is to make a block (12” finished, 12.5” with seam allowances), using the colour lime. “Lime is for Lymphoma” is the challenge. Sign up and collect your piece of lime fabric (must be included in the block) at the March Gathering.

As most of you know, EQI is hosting the Vic Quilters Winter Gathering as part of our Quilt-In (Saturday, August 26th, 2023) and you are invited to participate by registering with the committee for the first Zoom meeting to discuss the organizing details. Please get involved. This event lets us “show off” EQI as one of the friendliest quilt groups (with a reputation for providing the best morning and afternoon teas!)

There have been changes this year, the first is to our P.O. Box. The Essendon Post Office will be closing, permanently this month due to their premises being developed for apartments. So, we now have a new home at the Moonee Pond Post Office, right next door to our Bendigo Bank! [Essendon Quilters, PO Box 850, Moonee Ponds, 3039]

Also, there have been some changes to EQI meetings/activities. As members know our numbers have halved post-Covid and we depend on memberships for our ongoing costs. That is the single source of our income. Also, as you all know, like any household, there are annual operating costs that EQI must cover, every year, not including hall hire, guest speakers, workshops, library, and items like the prize we donate to Vic Quilters for the July quilt show. These include insurances, computer-related fees, membership to Vic Quilters, the P.O. Box and others that increase every year. During the Lockdown, the committee decided not to take members’ annual fees for that year, this was a fair decision. However, the annual operating costs still had to be paid. In light of this including increasing costs, and in consultation with Freemasons (who have been very accommodating with Hall Hire costs and understand our position. Including undertaking new activities to attract new members) the committee has made changes:

The “Evening Sit and Sew” is moving to the 3rd  Wednesday of the month. This change has been made based on costs and attendance.

The “QFO” activity has an actual title: “The Community Quilt Program” and will be incorporated into the 3rd Wednesday and 4th Saturday Gatherings. As most of you know, many of our members make and donate quilts to be given out to community organizations that request them and now all the donated quilts will be recorded in the “Community Quilts” book to give recognition to all those that participate in this activity and, for transparency, so everyone knows where the quilts find new homes.

March will be the last QFO activity, on the 4th Wednesday, (come along from 10 am to 2 pm and have a piece of cake and help finish a quilt or two). It will also be the last “Evening Sit and Sew” to be held on the 4th Wednesday evening.

In the future, if our membership grows and there are enough participants to cover the costs, there may be changes again. EQI came together in 1989 and there have been many changes since that first meeting, and I am sure there will be many more in the future.

As for our next Gathering on Wednesday, March 15th, we have a great Guest Speaker: Veronique Diligent is a quilt designer, pattern designer and loves colour and embroidery! I believe some of our members have completed a project or two of Veronique’s. She will be bringing her quilts, and patterns…. including a brand new one to show us and there may be sales!

Anita will be Skill Sharing “Mixed Media.” I will be teaching a ‘mini class’ on Finger Pincushions (kit provided for 2 pincushions for $8 –goes to the library fund!) The Trading Table will be in operation. As will the library (if you need help borrowing etc., please ask me or Robyn)

There is Paint Chip Challenge news. A successful application will see the quilts hanging in the Coburg branch of Merri-bek libraries during May.

Our newest major raffle quilt “Shoofly” is up and running. Pick up a fabric pack and a pattern for free.

That’s nearly it for now.

Just a note for those thinking of joining the committee in 2023-2024. Please look at the EQI constitution, it lets you know what the committee is all about. It describes its responsibilities and each position in detail. Take a look at Part 5- Committee starting on page 15.

The year is rolling along, and September is the month our Annual General Meeting will be held. We would love to grow the committee’s numbers so more members are involved with EQI’s future.  

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday, 15th March! Also, on Saturday, March 25th for our Saturday Stitching!


Kerry Roe


Essendon Quilters Inc.

Recover, Recharge, Regroup and Rebuild