Take care of yourself …

by EQI Member: Heather B.

Hello everyone.
This time last year we were certainly not thinking this year would be the same or even worse. I wonder how you felt in the middle of the week, hearing our premier saying we are not going to get the case numbers down to zero and, therefore, we are going to have to learn to live with this virus. Echoes of Gladys of the week before?

On further thought, we have learned to live with various other health impacting conditions. I very vaguely remember staying home from school in NZ when I was about 8 or so because there was a polio epidemic. I also remember getting a TB vaccination as the nurse said she was going to put it in that little freckle, right there. I said she wasn’t and she didn’t.

As Covid lockdown days go I suppose I could say I had a pretty good one. A phone call from a friend at about 9.30, then another resulting in a walk around Queens Park. A week too late to see the daffodils in full bloom but there were a few stragglers left.

Next, I went to a supermarket to get bread and milk. There a young woman who had been a pupil many years ago recognised me - mask and all and stopped to ask if I was ok, whether I needed anything, offered that I call and talk if I needed to. Such generosity cancelled out the fact that in that shop was a white middle-aged male proudly displaying a tee shirt with ‘ I pushed Daniel Andrews’ across his chest. I didn’t ask him if he really had.
And finally, my daughter called in - a ‘care’ visit which was brief but she does make good cakes!
So I haven’t done any sewing today.

There is a website that has 10 ways to take care of yourself at this time. It is reachout.com.au and I’ll briefly list the headings for those who don’t have internet access. Each topic has a very comprehensive accompanying paragraph or three.
1. Stay active.
2. Take 10 minutes to practise mindfulness.
3. Chat with your mates.
4. Check out the forums on that website.
5. Make a homemade meal.
6 Take a break from the news.
7. Play music.
8. Declutter for five minutes.
9. Watch or read something uplifting.
10. Learn something new.
I wish I could say I’m off to learn Italian or Greek now (learning something new), but I’m not. It’s the old lazy and lethargic Covid lockdown to blame.
Stay well, stay safe, stay stitching till we can all meet again and it may well be another Picnic in the Park.
Kindest regards, Heather.